Byte Masking the ins and out
January 17, 2024The idea of byte masking helps us achieve abstractions from the binary concept of computers to usable technology. This post helps to solidify byte masking using operators and gives examples of why we must be aware of this concept in our everyday software engineering craft.
Ruby - if statement?
January 15, 2024If statement the ruby way.
What is Byte Masking and how useful is it?
September 18, 2023The concept Byte masking concept is in almost everything we use in our everyday lives. This post exposes the concept and how it is useful for a Systems Engineer
Creating multiple copies of objects in Ruby
September 07, 2023Duplicate an object in Ruby with dup, clone. Grasp the unique scenario in which each of the methods shines.
When to use puts, print, and p in Ruby
September 05, 2023Distinguish by usage 3 different methods for printing in Ruby
tar (child) xz Cannot exec No such file or directory
July 10, 2023Untar an xz compressed file
Change files extension in a directory
June 22, 2023A onliner How??? To change the name of a file on Linux/Unix use the mv command If there is a file named aleemisiaka.old and want to…
Searching for a pattern in the man pages
June 20, 2023Find help from the terminal by searching through the man pages
Know the man(nual) pages
June 18, 2023Know the man pages, the different sections, and how to get help for a specific section
Send message from a service worker
January 22, 2023Easily communicate with Service Worker using BroadcastChannel API
Autocompile Go
August 21, 2021Build and run your Go project automatically while developing
Erlang Functions
June 21, 2021Create and use Erlang functions. Learn Erlang function overloading using pattern matching.
Erlang Pattern Matching
June 15, 2021Understand pattern matching and why it's important in Erlang programming
Erlang Variables
June 14, 2021Learn the rules to delcare and use variables in Erlang
CSS action pseudo classes
June 13, 2021Handle some user events without JavaScript
An introduction to Erlang
June 12, 2021What is Erlang, how Jor Armstrong came about it, and variable basics.
CSS counters
June 07, 2021Understand and use css counters effectively!
Structural CSS Selectors
June 05, 2021Yeah, you read that right. Let go straight into it! A Test Case Can you interprete this CSS selector query? Let me think like you would…
How to enable background Audio Play in iOS React Native
May 27, 2021Enable background play when a React Native App is minimized
Configure Rollup to bundle Axios module
May 25, 2021npm install rollup-plugin-node-resolve rollup-plugin-json . Add it to the plugins inside rollup.config.js Notice the browser: true Run…
How to create Application Icon (Appstore | Playstore)
May 24, 2021To make Application Icons for both iOS and Android, use The advantage of is that after adding the base icon…
Title of the post
May 15, 2021Write Here
Dockerized Node/Nginx, MongoDB, Redis app setup
March 19, 2020Introduction Docker is an app development tool that eases the process of creating, running, and deploying applications. It uses the concept…
SocketIO - App structure and architecture
March 15, 2020Introduction SocketIO is a JavaScript library that makes developers' lives easier when dealing with web socket and socket programming. This…
Asynchronous Javascript
March 03, 2020In computation systems, names like concurrent, sequential, parallel, serial, synchronous, asynchronous, non-blocking, shared state, message…
Menu system in Node Apps like WordPress Menu
January 25, 2020You might have been in this kind of trap before or currently in one, well, I just want to tell you that I know your pain. In a custom built…
ReactJS - Unexpected closing tag
January 25, 2020Beginners in ReactJS often face this kind of error: It is not just with inputs, it is with all HTML elements that does not expect a closing…
ReactJS - Inplace Edit component
January 20, 2020Last time, I was trying to render a data table and I thought that I should make some fields editable right in the table listing. It is…
AdonisJS - Event
January 19, 2020Modern application development requires that some actions are carried out when a point of the application is reached. Tasks like…
AdonisJS - Route Model Binding
January 12, 2020AdonisJS was built for the NodeJS Artisans taking after the concepts of Laravel - The PHP framework for Artisans . AdonisJS did a great…
AdonisJS - Using Validators with resource routes
January 10, 2020First, install the Validator using the adonis command: Create a resource route Define the route in start/route.js Now, we can make a…
Migrating from WordPress to Gatsby - The Journey
December 15, 2019Yes, this topic is worth a post and I will walk you through why the migration was inevitable, and how I had done it. Formerly, this website…
Programmer's Sexiness Quest
October 15, 2019Let's be guided, we are not getting naughty here. Nevertheless, a programmer is a human, he has his feelings and emotions which is…
Complete NodeJS App Setup on an AWS Lightsail VPS
August 06, 2019In this post, we will explore how to set up a NodeJS app on Amazon’s Lightsail instance. We will also explore setting up a CircleCI job for…
Clean Code – Rules For Name Crafting (Series)
July 30, 2019The very first task that we do while starting to program is naming from the creation of directory to files, to classes, to functions. Name…
Clean Code – Brief Review
June 26, 2019Currently, I find my self reading Clean Code by Robert Cecil Martin , and just completed the first three chapters. I am taking my time to…
Running mongod service in the background – MAC OS
June 26, 2019MongoDB ships with an easy mongod CLI command to start its server. For Linux users, there is an added level of flexibility using the…
Frameworks - Not always the solution
May 15, 2019Beginners do believe there is a perfect structure for setting up a project, experienced programmers know this is so far from the truth. A…
Rules For Name Crafting – Part One
May 15, 2019This is the first of the series – Clean Code – Rule For Name Crafting Series . In this post, we will be dealing with the first three rules…
Smart React Class function scope binding
May 15, 2019Passing down functions as event handlers down to children components is a norm in the react world. It eases the communication flow, as the…